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Establishing a relationship with your new boss

A career coach talks about ways to get in sync with your new boss

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — With job vacancies increasing and companies scrambling to hire, millions may find themselves with a new boss. There is no other relationship more important at work than the employee and employer relationship. It can make or break your chances of growth and advancement and employment sustainability. Career coach Cassandra Whitlow has some advice to make it work with the new boss.

Changing to a different job entirely may mean an entire new protocol that one has to adopt. You may have to learn new processes that take you out of your comfort zone. Whitlow saus do not compare the old boss to the new one. Sharing how things use to be under a former manager will only isolate you and get you noticed for things you do not want to be known for. It's best to learn new protocols and submit yourself under new rules of the new job. . It is also important to do your homework beforehand. Another tip to getting along with a new boss is to do some research and learn all you can about the company. Whitlow says with the advent of social media, find out if your boss has written a blog, or written a book. You can also find others who have worked for them to pick their brains to learn more of the bosses’ leadership style.

It is also important to get in sync as soon as possible; communication is key. Nothing causes more friction when people are not on the same page. Miscommunication can destroy efforts, goals and relationships. Whitlow says it is important for both employee and employer to communicate. The employee should strive to be an asset to the team. This will help you stand out amongst other employees. Be watchful and patient and do your best to be helpful to the success of the job. More information is available on Cassandrawhitlow.com.

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