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Get Ready for Construx sponsored by Hardware Huddle

Construx – New Technology in Home Building

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Sponsored by:

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Hardware Huddle is the gathering place for building brands, expanding influence and improving the lives of the homeowners through home improvement.  Hardware Huddle hosts a number of companies to achieve its' purpose of influencing the nation in home improvement. “I want this event to be the Coachella of Hardware” says owner and founder Brian Stearns.  There are many companies represented at Hardware Huddle; companies like Construx, which take building homes to a whole new level. 

Construx is disrupting the home construction industry.  With innovative software and digital manufacturing technology, affordable homes or Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) can be precision manufactured and delivered to a job site where they can be rapidly assembled without skilled framing labor. The Construx Framing System offers home builders the benefits of offsite modular construction without the complexity. Imagine a job site without a dumpster, power tools or specialized cranes. “The Construx model reminds me of Paint by Numbers or Leggos” says Ramani. He adds “the hard skilled work is already done you just have to put the structure together.”

Construx fills in the gap of the housing shortage as well as the labor shortage that the industry is experiencing. “There are estimated 1 million homes being built where 3 million homes are needed in the coming year“ says Ramani. He adds ”there are not many skilled laborers able to reach this demand for home building and that why Construx fit perferctly is that space.” Homes designed with the Construx Framing System™ are constructed with interlocking, CNC-machined Oriented Strand Board (OSB) components or ‘bricks’. These components are precision manufactured delivering a predictable, consistent, and repeatable result with accuracy and quality that outperform traditional construction. Imagine building more homes without the constraints of skilled labor or imagine a future where building a home is as easy as assembling furniture. Construx is indeed the wave of the future. For more information visit BuildConstrux.com or HardwareHuddle.com.

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