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Helping people to hear with clarity

Levine Hearing uses the "Real Ear Measurement" to help people hear clearly

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Charlotte, N.C. - This article involves commercial content.

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Why would anyone buy hearing aids, but then stick them in a drawer and not wear them?  Unfortunately, we see people all the time who come to us with hearing aids that they don't feel are working optimally so they almost give up on them. Madison Levine, from Levine Hearing has more on how hearing aids aren't meeting expectations, and what can be done about it.

There are a few foundational things that just have to be done correctly in order for someone to be successful. Consumer Reports released a report that lists some of those foundations and the most common one that I see skipped is "Real Ear Measurement" It's a simple name but it can be critical to get a good hearing outcome. Levine Hearing says “they don't have patients with hearing aids sitting in a drawer because they don't cut corners.  You have to first invest in the equipment to perform the "Real Ear Measurements", and many providers don't think it is important and therefore don't have it. Levine Hearing, has had it for a long time and actually just purchased another one so that they can run the test more quickly without waiting on the machine. "The Real Ear Measurement", measures how sound is actually being emitted into your ear canal from a hearing aid. You can imagine sound coming out of the hearing aid and bouncing through a cave (your ear canal) to reach the eardrum. If everyone's canal is different, that bouncing around is going to get a different sound to the eardrum. Levine Hearing has to see how the device is actually working in your ear. Without it, they are really guessing as to what the hearing aid is doing.
They can fix aids that were programmed poorly and or do new hearing aids.
“This is one of pertinent benefits about this test, it oftentimes can be done on the aids you already have” says Levine. Levine Hearing also has a "Second Look" program which means that someone can bring in the aids they already have, we take a second look and their first reprogramming with Levine is complimentary. As a side note, Levine Hearing is an independent provider, which means devices that are fit through their office can be taken anywhere in the world. There are some offices, particularly chains, out there, that can only be programmed at the clinic where they were purchased. Levine Hearing personally think you should be free to go wherever you like. Ultimately Levine Hearing, wants to help people hear, but to hear with amazing clarity, which they deserve. There is a right way to do things and the outcomes really speak for themselves. Levine Hearing has helped so many people in Charlotte, and means the world to Levine Hearing, when people take the time to share their experience. . For more information visit LevineHearing.com.

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