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Take your Workout routine up a notch with Hilliard Studio Method

Kickstart your training with Compound Exercises from Hilliard Studio Method

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — It’s officially spring and time to shake off those winter pounds and if your exercise routine is becoming, well, routine then it’s time to shake it up and get more bang for your buck! The secret to that is not exercising more, but smarter and adding compound exercises to your old routine! Here with more is Liz Hilliard owner of Hilliard Studio Method. “Our bodies adapt quickly to repetitive movement which can cause us to plateau with the same old workout” says Hilliard. She adds “when we add compound movements to our exercises its takes a routine, mundane workout to one that is explosive.” Here are 4 Hilliard Studio Method exercises you can do:

Exercise 1: Concentration Bicep Curl:  This complex compound exercise works biceps, quads, glutes, and core. This is one of our top balance exercises at Hilliard Studio Method. Combining these movements together goes way beyond the physical by adding important neurological benefits as well!

Exercise 2: Curtsy Lunge Overhead Press:  This exercise works the obliques, glutes, quads, and most of all shoulders! Because this exercise is so complex your body works extra hard to achieve the move creating a concerted effort of body, mind, and strength in one complete exercise.

Exercise 3: Curtsy Hinge Triceps Kickback: Taking the curtsy move into a hinge ensures more core engagement and increases the resistance on the lower body as well! The heavier the weight you add the more efficient the exercise becomes for your total body.

Exercise 4: HSM Pushup: This is my all-time favorite push-up! You will literally work every muscle in your body in the most efficient, core-centric way to sculpt your body. If you could only choose one HSM exercise this is the one! The results will astound you!

For more great workout visit https://hilliardstudiomethod.com/

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