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School Lunch Hero Day celebration

Not all heroes wear capes. Turns out some can be found in chef's coats.

MINT HILL, N.C. -- Not all heroes wear capes. Turns out some can be found in chef’s coats.

In celebration of School Lunch Hero Day, we introduce you to Ryan Moore who heads the kitchen at Lebanon Road Elementary School in Mint Hill.

Each day, Moore gets on a microphone and welcomes students into the lunch line. He knows them all by name and uses the microphone to get the kids excited about making healthy choices.

“Our Caesar salad is actually a favorite here. The kids get their dressing and shake it up,” said Moore.

Moore said the meals he serves in the cafeteria are often the only meal many of his students will have all day, so it’s his passion to make sure each one is nutritious, and his kids stay well-fed. Moore said the favorite part of his job is interacting with the kids and watching them grow.

“Actually, being out here with the children, letting them ask me questions and things about the food. These children really get excited about menu, and I guess that’s the most exciting thing about my job,” he said.

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