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The Perseid meteor shower peaks

Clouds and the Moon won't help viewing in Charlotte.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Tuesday is the night when one of the best meteor shower of the year. Under perfect conditions with a very dark location and no moon and no clouds, you can see 30-50/hr. That though is very unlikely for many reasons. 

The first reason is light pollution will cut those numbers in half. Then throw in the last quarter moon rising in the eastern sky which adds more light and dims the meteors much more. 

I would expect to see as few as 5-15 per hour or 10-20 in better locations. Tuesday we also will have to deal with some clouds which make viewing even harder. 

How to view the Perseid meteor shower:

First, find the darkest location possible away from city lights. Then get a wide view of the entire sky but looking northeast and east. Let your eyes adjust and don't look at your phone which will reset your eyes every time you look down. Sit back and relax and just enjoy the views. Make sure to bring water and bug spray the mosquitoes are going to be bad. 

RELATED: FORECAST: Scattered storms this evening

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