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YouDay: How to renew your mind

Coach LaMonte shows us how to renew our minds by first recognizing our most dominant thought.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Your life is a visible representation of the thoughts you have accepted? But what if you are aware of how to recognize that thought? Today on Youday! Coach LaMonte shows us how to renew our minds by first recognizing our most dominant thought.

It is fair to say that we all live in our minds. I say this because every thought we think is creating a blueprint which we will use to build the life we live in. Our minds are constantly creating mental images that catapult us into a future that is expecting us. This is a unique power and can easily become positive or negative.

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One area where many of us miss the mark is not taking our thoughts seriously. We become complacent allowing any thought at any time to occupy the space of our minds. It is imperative that we guard our minds and allow our minds to become the productive arm of our lives. Number one be willing to adopt a mindset that you are fully aware that any thought you think will creep into your life whether you accept it or not.  This means that what you see in your mind will eventually be seen in your life if you don't make adjustments to shift the dynamic and reject access to that thought. This is done by renewing our minds. To renew the mind is to reject any thought that does not spring your life forward.

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Lastly, become fully aware of what your dominant thoughts are and question why you constantly gravitate towards that dominant thought. As a reminder, a dominant thought is a key primary thought that possesses us and becomes a mental returning point. It is a place of comfort, but it is important that we understand that comfort doesn't necessarily mean pleasurable. As your coach this is my advice: find a quiet place and think. As you think write down the thoughts you think, and recognize what thoughts are consistent. Find your dominant thought, and question the confines and root of that thought. When you recognize you are able to confront and move forward. Take care of your mind and our mind will take care of the outer conditions of your life.

You can follow Coach LaMonte on all social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.

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